The Moon appears to Earth as a small crescent, as it rotates around the Earth this expands to a full moon and back to a small crescent. This happens once every 29 days and is called a lunar month. The Moon causes the rise and fall of the ocean's tides on Earth.
Humans burn fossil fuels, clear trees, change land use, creating smog that traps the carbon in the Earth's atmosphere, leading the oceans to absorb the heat and eventually end up with global warming and ocean acidification.
Good luck <3
The term "lipid" does not specify a particular chemical structure. Whereas one can write a general formula for an amino acid, nucleic acid, or protein, lipids are much more chemically diverse. Compounds are categorized as lipids based on their greater solubility in organic solvents than in water.
Crops that humans grow have decended from wild plants and are resistant to diseases and pest.
- The science of growing crops is known as agriculture.
- Humans have been developing agriculture since times immemorial.
- They have selected and cultivated crops that gave a better yield and developed new varieties by cross breeding Superior varieties with the inferior ones.
- Usually the cross bred varieties are cultivated and are resistant to pests and diseases.