Malnutrition is the term used for being malnourished, in which a person does not have proper nutrients required for his/her growth
RICE is the staple of South Korean diet while CORN is a staple of the US diet.
These preferences for food in these two countries are influenced by historical and social factors.
Most of the food in South Korea are usually prepared from rice while in the US most of the staple food are prepared from corn.
two of the gametes will Java chromosomes identical to the chromosomes found in the original diploid cell,while two of the gametes will have chromosomes that are different
This specimen is also far too old for C-14 dating to be accurate, as well as for any other technique but palaeomagnetic dating.
The second part of the sentence is not accurate, since the remains were dated by uranium-lead dating. Carbon-14 dating measures ages in the tens of thousands of years, and uranium-lead dating measures in the millions to billions of years.