He declared war because the American "Infidels" invaded the Holy Land. He meant that because of the American occupation of Iraq and because it also occupied surrounding areas. So that's why he believed that he was in a "Holy" war to get the Holy Land back.
Reprieve- Abandon or postpone plans to close or put an end to
Pardon- The action of being forgiven of forgiving for an error or offense Clemency- Mercy, lenience
Commutation- Action of commuting a judicial sentence
Amnesty- An official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses
I like states’ rights but I’m not 100% sure but I think so
It was "c. August 6, 1945" when the Enola Gay dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, which was justified by the United States because many believed Japan wouldn't have otherwise surrendered.