Sandy loam
sandy loam is better than silt loam because sandy loam has smaller particles than silt loam for easy drainage.
Answer: Option B
The animals that live on the earth in many different regions because they are adapted to live in a particular habitat. The animals of the polar regions cannot adjust living the Sahara desert and the reptiles living in the desert cannot live in polar regions.
But many of the species are dependent on the seasonal change and they only emergence or produce during specific period of time.
But if due to global climatic change there will be no emergence of particular species and their species will be extinct over a period of time. So, the global temperature needs to be constant in order to support life of the species dependent on the seasonal temperature change.
C. A steep slope
Erosion is the removal of the top layer of the earth or the gathering of lose weathered materials from rock surfaces.
Agents of erosion are wind, water, glacier and gravity.
Along a very steep slope, erosion is highly rife and very prevalent to the extent that everything there is washed away to be deposited at the bottom of the slope or where gradient is more gentle.
On a steep slope, materials moves rapidly and gravity is very great. When these factors are coupled with the prevailing conditions in a place, little to no deposition occurs for soil formation.
Currently it takes about 27.3 days for the Mon to rotate full circle around it's axis. It takes about 27 days for the Moon to make full circle around the Earth. This is why we always see the same side of Moon.
If the Moon was rotating around it's axis as quickly as Earth it would mean that it takes about 24h to rotate. Currently, no matter where we stand on the Earth we can see the same side of Moon. If the Moon had 24h rotation period we would see different parts of Moon from different parts of Earth. We would see the entire surface of Moon. But, as the Moon and the Earth would have same rotation period from some point on Earth we would constantly see the same side of Moon.
Example: From Europe we would see one side, from North America other side and from Asia yet another side. But from Europe we would constantly see the same side of Moon.