I think it might be D but I'm not very smart sry if this doesnt help
Deception often occurs when humans are in situations in which they face adversity or there is potential to improve their way of life. (this is my thesis for twelfth night. it's not amazing but it's refined and clear)
This is false!
An "unabridged" version means not shortened, complete, not missing any text. A shortened version of a novel or of a dictionany is the opposite of this: it is abridged. The verb "abridge" itself means to shorten without a loss of content.
In my opinion, NO!
A person should travel to a place not because of it's wonders. I think they should travel because vacation, or just to spend family time with each other. Or maybe you just need to get away, and just BREATHE! sometimes.
hopefully this helped, and touched your heart.