When the meteor hit a caused a chain reaction which caused all that and made some cloud that was toxic.
Sources of heat from inside earth is radioactive decay and residual heat.
A single gene form different isoforms of protein that result from the alternative splicing of pre-mRNA sequences. one gene many polypeptide hypothesis applies here very well. This whole process helps in proliferating informational diversity and functional capacity of a gene that'll ultimately he;p in gene regulation.
This alternative splicing of pre-mRNA also produces proteomic diversity that result in various development states as well as various disease conditions later.
Depends, if the biotic factor is a chipmunk or something of that case, its natural habitat is a rock, which is biotic. but...if the animal is something like a deer they don't need abiotic factors. its your chose to chose but I'm leaning more twords false because not ALL biotic factors cant go without an abiotic factor
When the organism dies in a moist or wet area the organism gets covered in mud and the mud hardens like a rock.