A general drop in quality of life, massive job loss, shortage of <em>many</em> foods, and several other economical issues.
Pro tip: Mention the crash of the stock market, that was the major reason for an increase of prices.
The first ten Amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights.
The Tenth Amendment gives states certain freedoms and control.
In the western society we seem to avoid the cost of aging at any price. Many women and men spend billions in the beauty industry trying to look younger. Many have put a degradable image on aging, that by doing so makes one useless in contributing to society. This view of growing oldis a thing of the past many elderly are living a vibrant life, working, in relationships and living life to the fullest. It is noted in the non-Western cultures the elderly is a very important part of any family’s life. Even in the ancient Roman times they were viewed as wise and reverence with awe, which conducted potential marriage, political advice and other political decisions. We can learn from other cultures that the elderly are individuals that can teach its younger generation how to possible avoid hardship and problems while being a vital part of the family’s historical history.
1. What does Kennedy fear will be the reaction in the wake of King's death?
answer is: Violence and bitterness
2.What does Kennedy hope will be the people's response to King's assassination?
answer is: prayer and a commitment to acting with kindness