The following literary terms and devices may be used in poetry: alliteration-the repetition of the same consonant sound (usually at the beginnings) of several words. IE: He hates hats. apostrophe-address to an person or personified object not present.That maby help.
The family history and present condition of life of the family is revealed in the first chapter.
<u>The Radleys came to the USA to escape religious persecution back in Britain where they were wealthy farm owner</u>s and their family established a farm near the Alabama river escaping their trade of fur from back home.
The father of the narrator was now a successful lawyer and<u> made a comfortable living in a small town there even as the great depression was sweeping the USA</u>. His brother went to the medical school and his sister was running his landing.
The repetition of the line, "Brennan on the moor/Brennan on the moor/bold and undaunted stood young Brennan on the moor"
The repetition of the line, "Brennan on the moor/Brennan on the moor/bold and undaunted stood young Brennan on the moor" in the opening and closing stanzas call the reader to remember the name of the man in this epic-style poem as we begin and end his tragic story.
In the opening lines, the repetition is quite like a battle cry where the person spoken about is seen as our hero. As readers, we repeat his name to honor him and call forth his story.
In the closing lines, the repetition is meant to be an homage to the hero of our poem who has died.
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