A. Melting the substance doses not change the substance
The answer to this is passive hyperemia.
DNA is the main type of genetic material found in a cell. In addition, it is found in the nucleus of the cell, so (D) is correct. DNA in the nucleus is used in replication (through mitosis and meiosis) via daughter cells to continue cell growth.
From what I can tell, The answer is either A or B. Mammals have what is called an Endoskeleton, which means that their skeletons are inside their bodies. A way to remember this is Exo- is similar to exit and when you exit something then you are going outside. Endo- sounds like into, which can relate to being on the inside. Insects have Exoskeletons, which are made from Chitin. Now Agonists are also called Prime Mover muscles, which means they are practically the same thing.