Convert 300% into decimals. So move the decimal point 2 times to the left and you get 3.00 and multiply it by 5 and square it because area of square is s^2
8 is a whole number, so this will be the whole number part of our mixed number.
0.25 is a decimal, where 25 is in the HUNDREDths place, so we write 25 as a fraction over 100.

Simplify by dividing 25 to the numerator and denominator.

So our fraction is

0.55 is a decimal, where 55 is in the HUNDREDths place, so we write 55 as a fraction over 100.

Simplify by dividing 5 to the numerator and denominator.

So our fraction is

To convert this to a decimal, just divide 5 / 8
Step-by-step explanation:
Because <APE= right angle
<APC= Obtuse angle
<CPE= Obtuse Angle.
Also, <CPB because its the only angle below 90 degrees and an acute angle must be below 90 degrees.
then add 3 to each side to get: y+3=4x.
Next, just divide both sides by 4 to get x = (y+3)\div4.
4g-12 g=5. 4(5)-12=8. 4 times 5 equals 20 and 20-12 equals 8. So your answer is 8