The net movements of water from the region of higher water potential to the region of low water potential through a selectively permeable membrane is osmosis. It is a form of diffusion which involves the transport of water molecules.
In this present scenario water molecules pass through the selectively permeable membrane from higher water potential in the body, to lower water potential but high solute potential (Epsom salts). The later is called an hypertonic solution,this is because it has higher solute potential ,thus higher salt concentration than the surrounding medium,therefore water pass by osmosis into the Epsom salts.
If one is placed in this solution,the cells shrink as they lose water to the more concentrated Epsom.(hypertonic solution)
However, the body homeostatic mechanism through the kidney ensure re-absorption of fluid back to the body from the DCT and CT, via anti diuretic hormone to preserve the cell and the person.
What was the question of it
Both potentials occurring after the postsynaptic membrane potential returns to its resting value
This is simply because, a neuron returning to its resting state,will have the ligand gated Na+ channels closed.Therefore depolarization can not occur.More K+ gated channels will open, and more K+ leaks out of the axoplasm,returning the neuron to the resting state.
Hence if the summation of the two EPSP returns to the resting level after crossing the synapse, they can not propagate,and generate action potential, because they will produce a sub threshold effects,which will not generate action potential.
In the rectum. Hope this helped you
The scientific method follows a series of six steps in which it includes the one from observation to reaching a conclusion.