Your federal income taxes are taxes that are taken by the federal government based on the amount of money you make during the year. These taxes come out on each paycheck and are deducted from your salary. At the end of the year, you are able to file a tax return and claim things against the money the government has taken from you to receive some back. This is known as filing your Federal Tax Return. When solving this question, we are assuming there are no deductions and we know that the federal income taxes are 10% of $42,500.
To solve, take $42,500 and multiply it by 10%, this will give you the total amount of income tax owed which is $4,250.
Big data analytics
Big data analytics is the process of analysing large data sets (big data) to get insights such as hidden patterns, correlations, and market trends. This information is used to make business decisions.
Big data analytics bus used to study structured data sets, unstructured data sets, and semi-structured data sets.
This form of data processing bis used accros different industries including banking, insurance, health-care, communication, education, and manufacturing.
Purpose of business is to increase general well being of people by selling goods and services.
The main purpose of business is to increase well being of people, make profits for its stakeholders and offering value for money to its customers or clients through products and or services. The products and services provided by the company should not harm its customers and clients instead these products and services should provide benefits to its users and satisfy their needs. While making profits a company should keep scarce resources in mind so the needs of the future generation is not compromised also it does not harm the environment by its poisonous wastage. Every business requires some form of investment as an input though which quality output can be provided to its customers and clients.
Escalation of commitment
Escalation of commitment is the situation where an individual invest the resources into a course of action which is failing. Resources could be time, energy and money which an individual continue to invest into an investment as the individual do not want to be inconsistent.
So, in this situation, before releasing the payment, he ensures that the targets should be met for the performance. He is avoiding the situation of escalation of commitment bias.
Spiff: It is an financial incentive paid by manufacturer or employer to the salesperson for directly selling it´s product., sometime it is paid on achieving sales target by salesperson. It encourage seller to make more sales. Spiff stand for Sales performance Incentive Fund and it is paid quicker than commission.
In the given case, Automaker is paying spiff to dealers to encourage sales of it´s own brand over a competitor's product sold at the same store.