Most atheletes eating a variety of foods will actually meet their protein needs.
Protein is a macronutrient that is needed to build up the body mass.
Athletes use up a large amount of energy than the normal individual. Additional nutrient is required by these athletes due to the large amount of strenuous activities carried out by their bodies.
A good source of protein is required by an athlete to repair and rebuild the muscles that have been strained our during the course of their hectic activities.
A good source of protein for athletes include:
- Youghurt
- Egg
- Chicken
- Almonds
there are three different types of neurons in the human body
Sensorimotor stage
The sensorimotor stage of development, is the first stage of cognitive development of infants, children, and adolescents. A child of about 2 years of age, is in the sensorimotor stage.
Infants at the early stage of life, sense what is directly in front of them. Their learning pattern at this early stage is a trial and error pattern involving gripping, throwing etc.
As soon as the object is taken away from the direct view of an infant, it ceases to exist to him/her. This is because objects exist to infants when they can sense them and interact with them.
.A significant development during the sensorimotor stage is the understanding of an infant that objects exist and that events occur in the world independently from their actions and what they sense.The infant now has a representation of the object and realizes the object can still exist independently.This is known as object permanence
-less than 1%
-Platelets (thrombocytes)
- Platelets (or thrombocytes) make up less than 1% of formed elements with a concentration between 150,000 and 400,000 per cubic millimeter. The production of platelets is called thrombopoiesis.
- From the myeloid stem cell, a committed cell called a megakaryoblast is produced. It matures under the influence of thrombopoietin to form a megakaryocyte.
- Megakaryocytes are easily distinguished both by their large size (about 100 micrometers [μm] in diameter) and their dense, multilobed nucleus. Each megakaryocyte then produces thousands of platelets.
- The process of how megakaryoctes produce thrombocytes was in question until 2007. Researchers reported that megakaryoctes produce long extension from themselves called proplatelets.
- While still attached to the megakaryoctye, these proplatelets extreough the blood vessel wall in the red bone marrow. The force from the blood flow "slices" these proplatelets into the fragments we know as platelets (thrombocytes).