C. Using more than one assessment provides a more complete picture of an individual's fitness level.
Cardiorespiratory assessment is a test that assesses the patient's ability to remain stable in moderate to heavy physical activity for long periods. When this assessment is made more than once, it shows more complete results about the client's physical condition. From this we can confirm that using more than one assessment provides a more complete picture of an individual's fitness level.
Thus, it is extremely important for the physical educators to be able to pass the exercises according to one's ability. The same goes for athletes, who, despite having a better complexion, also need care not to extrapolate their abilities.
Target your belly fat to lose weight there first is the answer :)
a) I was given an advertisement about a weight-loss pill that it will reduce 3 kgs weight every week. The medicine also showed remarks by the buyers on their social media pages that it was effective and helping in weight loss.
b) As the pill was being advertised by a health practitioner, I actually thought that it will produce the 'so- called' results. The publicity of the pills were great. However, it failed to produce the desired results.
Medusa and La gipesta? :|