3.85 out of 4
As 96.1791 out of 100 gives 96.1791% calculated below:
Percentage formula: (Obtained value/total value)*100.......eq(1)
Putting values:
= (96.1791/100)*100
= 96.1791%
Now finding 96.1791% of 4:
Putting values in eq (1):
96.1791% = (Obtained value/4)*100
96.1791/100= (Obtained value/4) (dividing by 100 on both sides)
0.961791 = (Obtained value/4)
4* 0.961791 = Obtained value (multiplying 4 on both sides)
3.847164 = Obtained value
Then 96.1791% of 4 will be equal to: 0.961791 * 4 = 3.847164
Rounding off the answer to 2 decimal places:
=3.85 (As the digit on 3rd decimal place is greater than 5)
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The answer & explanation for this question is given in the attachment below.
Answer: Direct competitive
The direct competitive situation occur when the two and more than two business in the market offering the similar type of services and the products so it automatically increase the level of competition in the market.
According to the question, the internet service is one of the most efficient tool for influence the customers or consumers about their products in the market and when the services are get switched then it utilize the direct competitive in the market.
Therefore, direct competitive is the correct option.