90,000*0.12 =1,080
3 letters to US = 3*0.94 = 2.82
2 local letters = 2*0.44 = 0.88
checking: 2.82+0.88 = 3.70
to get rid out of 0.04 cents you have to multiply it by 5. so total number of letters would be 5.
Hi this was a different question from normal but okay.
There has been an high speed chase that lead to an injury of a young girl. Isaac midway had fled the seen at North West 22nd, around 2:56 pm. With the girl laying in the street with a broken leg and fractured ankle. Have any evidence call crime stoppers.
Step-by-step explanation:
This provides criminal, time and location and injury. Good luck.
Well your going to get 0.3333333333(the 3's are infinite) :D