It really would depend on what E-Mail system you're using.
If say, you're using G-Mail, the Recipient's address would be placed simply in the "To" bar right above the "Subject" bar.
A looping is a set of instructions which is repeated a certain number of times until a condition is met. hlo dai k xa halkhabar
Something like the following. Also you need to give what language you are using. Anyways, you should be able to convert this to your language of choice.
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkGeneration() {
var gen = ["Baby Boomer ","Generation X","Xennials","Generation Y"];
var reversestr = "";
var getyear = window.prompt("Enter a 3 digit number: ");
if (parseInt(getyear) <= 1964) {
} else if(parseInt(getyear) <= 1979) {
} else if(parseInt(getyear) <= 1985) {
} else if(parseInt(getyear) <= 1995) {
<u>The first tools that analyzed and extracted data from floppy disks and hard disks were MS-DOS tools for </u><u>IBM</u><u> PC file systems</u>. A file system is a structured representation of data and a set of metadata describing this data. The file system of the IBM supports stream input/output and storage management, providing a structure over all information stored in the system. A floppy disk consists of a thin plastic disk coated with magnetic material (it was designed by IBM in the early 1970s). A hard disk is fixed on the system unit. It is made up of several circular disks called platters. MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is a licensed operating system for use on microcomputers from various manufacturers.
The answer is 1, the 3rd circle