The New England Colonies and Their Economic Industries
Due to the poor, rocky soil, farming was not a viable option for the settlers. Instead, they relied on agriculture, fishing, furs, livestock, lumber, shipbuilding, textiles, and whaling. The natural resources of the New England Colonies
The natural resources of the New England Colonies included fish, whales, trees and furs.
The natural resources were more important than agricultural crops to colonists in New England because of poor, rocky soil and the short growing season.
dont know if this will help
5, if you are including Trump.
be a citizen of the United States
be a legal resident of Georgia and of the county in which you want to vote
be 18 years old within six months after the day of registration, and be 18 years old to vote
not be serving a sentence for conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude
not have been judicially determined to be mentally incompetent, unless the disability has been removed
(1) relationship with God (2) Repent your sins (3) Admit your a sinner (4) Read the bible everyday (5) Share the gospel <3333