Animal cruelty is a crime and it should be stopped. Lab testing, caging and animal violence are all examples of the abuse.Scientists still test their products on animals despite anti-animal testing organisations. Drugs and human-made products can be harmful for the animals and can can cause unwanted reactions. Rather than testing on innocent animals they should start testing on criminals with life some places hundreds of animals are kept in cages stacked on top of each other. These places offer little food and water to keep the animals alive. Chickens for example, are often trapped in such small cages that they can't even stand, they just sit there all day everyday laying eggs for the farmers.
n conclusion, animals should have more protection from the abuse. Testing on animals, locking them up and forcing them to fight should be illegal as each time it happens, it kills off one more animal from the earth's surface
ईन्धन काठ र चाराको अत्यधिक फसल, ज fire्गलमा आगो, लपिंग र चरन, स्ल्याश र जलेको खेती, र काठको उत्खनन सामान्यतया वन फँडानी र वन क्षतिको लागि जिम्मेवार मानिन्छl
President Thomas Jefferson shortly after the Louisiana purchase in the late 1800s
Acceptance of a public offer by anyone, as indicated by the performance of the act, does not result in an enforceable contract. Silence does not indicate assent to an offer, even if both parties agree beforehand that this is to be the means of acceptance.
An enforceable contract is a written or oral agreement that can be enforced in court. If the law permits the performance of a contract, the performance of the contract is the obligation of the consenting parties. You may not breach or violate any terms without voiding the contract.
Examples of enforceable contracts allow two or more people to legally compel one party to do something to the other party. When entering into agreements or contractual obligations. An enforceable contract must contain both an offer by one party and an acceptance by the other party.
Learn more about enforceable contracts here
Under this definition, public governance can be classified into three modes according to the outcome: legal governance, performance-based governance, and consensus-oriented governance.