Telemedicine => Consulting a specialist
Telemedicine refers to the use of communication devices such as phones and computers to consult
a physicians so that they can diagnose and recommend treatment for a patient without the patient having to come to the physician.
Remote patient monitoring => Tracking a patient's heart rate.
With remote patient monitoring, health details such as a person's heart rate can be monitored without them having to come to a hospital. This data is transmitted to their physicians securely so that analysis can be made.
Health insurance website => Comparing health insurance costs
Health insurance websites now include their pricing details on their websites which would enable a person to be able to compare different insurance services to pick the most suitable one for themselves.
What is the difference between formal and informal language?
Formal and informal language serve different purposes. The tone, the choice of words and the way the words are put together vary between the two styles. Formal language is less personal than informal language. It is used when writing for professional or academic purposes like university assignments. Formal language does not use colloquialisms, contractions or first person pronouns such as ‘I’ or ‘We’.
Informal language is more casual and spontaneous.
The three soft skills falls under the key elements of people, social and personal skills.
Soft skills are a set of skills or personal attributes which help a person to reach higher positions in a job, do well in a relationship, and to live and survive well in a society.
Soft skills are based on non-technical skill sets like communication, team-work, problem solving, leadership, responsibilities etc.
Communication skills include good listening, verbal and non-verbal skills to communicate appropriately with others
Responsibilities skills require a person to take up the individual responsibilities and be accountable for the same. Decisiveness, time management, teamwork, problem solving, leadership skill all contribute for a person to be more responsible in what he/she is doing
Soft skills groom a person to move well with people and to be accepted in a society through his/her personal attributes.
B.) Trans fats, trans fats can give u certain risk to your health
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