Video Tutorial
The others don’t make sense.
An Information System is when key components such as hardware, software, data, and process are combined for collection, processing, and distribution of data. All of these scenarios mentioned on the choices above are considered transactions in an information system. There is an exchange of information that fully satisfies the request of a user and describes what transactions in information systems are. They are good examples of users entering information whether, physically or electronically, as data into computers. This data is then processed, and the database changes adjusted with some being made permanent.
This code attempts to fuse two strings together. So,
fuse("Apple", "Banana")
would return "ABpapnlaen a"
However, there are a couple of things wrong with this code:
- The for loop is incomplete (probably a copy paste error)
- It is unclear from the code if the array jawaban will overflow if kata1 and kata2 are large (it probably will)
- Biggest problem: the jawaban array is declared on the stack, which means it will be cleaned up when the function returns. So the caller of this function will reference unallocated memory! This is a huge bug!!
If you mean glue, then heres a list of what I can remember.
1.<span>Epoxy resins
2.</span><span>.Acrylic resin.
3. polyester resin</span>