The four basic categories are the motherboard, the CPU, the graphics card, and the RAM.
Brainliest pls! thx! :)
Verbatim Identifier
- Verbatim Identifier contains @ symbol as a prefix by which enables you to use reserved words of a programming language as identifier. For example the keywords like int, double, goto, char, else, while, for, float etc can be used as strings or variable names if @ symbol is added before these words e.g. @char, @while, @void, @int etc.
- The compiler of a language will recognize such identifiers as verbatim identifiers and compiles them without giving an error that these are reserved words.
- Verbatim identifier is used for program that is written in other languages and those languages don't have same reserved words.
- For example: cout<<"use of verbatim identifier";<<@for; In this statement, for keyword which is used in for loop can be used as an identifier with @ in the prefix.
- The escape sequences if used with @ symbol in prefix then they are interpreted in a different way. For example in C#
string a = "\\C:\torrent\new\file";
This statement will give the following output:
\C: orrent
This means that the \t in the start of torrent and \n in the start of new word is taken as an escape sequence and output displayed is giving tab space because of \t and prints the rest of the words in new line because of \n escape sequence.
Now lets use this with the @ symbol
string a = @"\\C:\torrent\new\file";
The output will now be:
\t and \n are not taken as escape sequences by the compiler because of @ symbol.
A. FilmoraGo; C. Adobe Premiere
Many video editing software exists out there, but their function is pretty much the same. They edit, mix and customize clips to create beautiful multimedia content for different purposes (advertisements, podcasts, movies, comedy clips, etc.). This software used are different as some may contain more functions and setting than the other.
Let us take a brief dive into the options:
- FilmoraGo: is a video editing software that runs on Andriod and iOS. It contains many effects and it is pretty basic to use and understand.
- Google Photos: Created by Google, helps to organize your photo albums and stores them for you.
- Adobe Premiere: is also a video editing software, it was first launched in 2003 and has since evolved to contain more sophisticated video editing tools.
- Audacity: is an audio editor available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. This software is completely free and open source.
Hence, dLucy can use the FilmoraGo or the Adobe Premiere to edit her video clips.
LAN - Local area network :P