Be more specific.
I don't understand what you're asking.
Kind of a really creepy man that gives off "Don't f- with me, I'll mess you up" vibes
This is because Hyde is supposedly all of the evil that possibly exists in a man as a physical person. Most of the people thought of him as a horrid, deformed, terrible-feeling man that gave everyone the chills. Everyone felt the need to whisper around him, and tension was always high.
I woke up to the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs. As I got out of bed, I heard my stomach let out a super loud growl, and I winced. I was so hungry I could eat a horse! I splashed cold water on my face and I ran to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.
the substance tastes bitter
The best answer for this question would be:
This kind of structure of the story creates the perspective
of the main character through a detailed of opinion on what happened to his
life. The readers would be able to understand what went through his mind when
he went psychotic.