In all different levels of the food webs and food chains, it is seen that damaged members of the prey have become easy food for the predators.
Preys can identify the other members of their species are injured or wounded or fed by the predators by their body fluid in as if a predator eats the prey the blood or other body fluid releases. These fluids or blood help individual prey species to be aware of the predator as they recognize that their species member is wounded or consumed by there olfactory receptors.
There are several other chemicals cue that is species specif that are released by the prey to alarm the other species member by injured or dead members.
Thus, the correct answer is - In all different levels of the food webs and food chains it is seen that damaged members of the prey have become easy food for the predators.
the colors are not bright but not too dark , the material seems like not soft , and the patterns are not like anything I've seen before
Glucose is quickly broken down by liver and muscle cells to provide energy, which demonstrates that its type of chemical bonds is related to its function.
Charles and Francis Darwin concluded from their experiments on phototropism by grass seedlings that the part of the seedling that detects the direction of light is the "tip of the coleoptile."
They evolve alongside each other, the predator evolves to become faster, better camouflage itself, immunity to the poison of a prey, and likewise the prey evolves to become faster to avoid the predator, camouflage to hide, poison to keep the predator at bay and this cyclic relationship continues with only the strongest and fastest of each species reproducing, just increasing the strengths of both animals.
The predator is almost always larger, and a carnivore.
With the prey generally being smaller and herbivore.