The setting in the story can influence the story more by describing where the problem or where the characters that are describing where the character may be or be near
People control their everyday lives with each desicion they make and each action they decide to make. We control our lives with everything we say, think, and do
I believe this because whenever we do something it affects the way we live on. For example, if you decide to ruin a relationship with someone you're controlling your relationships so now you have to move on with that decision, (Hope this helps, sorry if its kinda confusing, if you need more clearance let me know)
I mean public school in general is way too expensive. Yes it’s “free” but is it really? Can you get food if you are hungry for free? Does the school provide materials for free? Can you do sports with no charge? No. It’s terrible that we have to pay for an education. Especially when so many people fail at school because of all of the stress. School fees should not be increased because education is a god given right. It should not be a privilege. And making it more expensive is making it a privilege that only a certain democratic can afford.
hope this helps! Have a good day!