First of all, the Egyptians started the dog as man's best friend. A great helper and protecter of their master. If a human has a strong relationship with a dog, the dog would sacrifice to protect them, as if a mother and child.
Moving along, dogs are a skilled worker. In many cases, dogs will retrieve things. To a shot down duck or a baby trapped. They will listen to their master for instructions and and do a certain task. Many dogs are used to herd sheep or farm animals.
Organizational pattern are used in writings methods that is used to used to show the relationship between the supporting details in the paragraphs, chapters and essays. They can be identified by what transition the author uses.
There are mainly 4 organizational patterns for informative speech. They are :
1. Causal order
2. Spatial order
3. Topical order
4. Chronological order
A spatial order or pattern in an organizational pattern has the main point to be oriented towards a directional pattern or space.
In the context, the organizational pattern shown is spatial.
most in depth and explains who it is so there is no confusion
by showing that neither the settlers nor Native Americans accepted the others' beliefs
Benjamin Franklin showed through this article that the groups, that is, the Native Americans and the Settlers found it difficult to accept each other's believes. He used irony, that is saying the opposite of what a person means to illustrate this. When the Natives showed civility to the Settlers, they mistook it for acceptance of their beliefs. But when the Natives deliberated on the matter and offered their response, it most times was a rejection of all the things which the settlers proposed to them.
In like manner, the settlers also considered the Indian's beliefs such as his theory of the existence of life as mere fables. The Indians also believed that the English man's meeting taught him no good as his actions belied that.