They are different types of heroes; Beowulf is a warrior, and Sir Gawain is a knight. ... Beowulf follows the heroic code which values strength, honor, and courage. Sir Gawain follows the code of chivalry and values being honest, humble, loyal, pious, and having integrity.
B is 1, -1, -2, -3, -4, and -5.
C. is -5 & 5, -4 & 4, -3 & 3, -2 & 2, and -1 & 1.
1. D: the Bishop is kind and caring and even though ValJean is an ex-convict he is still treated like a human being by the Bishop. Calling him 'brother' further shows how he views all people as equals.
2. D: you would expect ValJean to be grateful for the kindness the Bishop shows him and to accept the food and lodging without causing trouble. ValJean is a former criminal but the Bishop trusted him to not steal what he had. ValJean showed the opposite of these expectations by stealing from the Bishop.
3. C: the Bishop welcomes ValJean into his home and treats him like a real human being. The irony is that as soon as someone treats him like a normal person ValJean starts "stuttering like a madman", acting the way everyone before had assumed he would be (crazy).
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