We don’t know ms.Fredrick, you’re on your own here
No what’s your problem on edge
Go on your school computer, and find a copy of the form. Then print it from the school printer.
The answer is C ms-dos
Side note:
GUI means graphical user interface. In other words, that means it looks pretty and has cool buttons, animations and cute stuff. MS-DOS is just a black screen with words on it. Definitely not cute or cool.
The original Xbox: November 15, 2001
The original PS1: December 1, 1994
Xbox 360: November 22, 2005
Ps2: March 4, 2000
Ps3: November 11, 2006
Xbox One: November 22, 2013
Ps4: November 15, 2013
Nintendo Ds: November 21, 2004
Nintendo 3ds: February 26, 2011
Gameboy: April 21, 1989
Nintendo Switch: March 3, 2017