A gaming mouse has more buttons to keybind to while a regular mouse is simpler
SQL pattern matching allows you to search for patterns in data if you don't know the exact word or phrase you are seeking. This kind of SQL query uses wildcard characters to match a pattern, rather than specifying it exactly. For example, you can use the wildcard "C%" to match any string beginning with a capital C.
Advanced persistent threat.
Advanced persistent threat is a threat actor implemented by either a government supported or private group to intrude a network or system and stays undetected, collecting information over a period of time.
It is used by cyber terrorist group to facilitate massive attacks based on the information retrieved. National or government group use the concept to promote national security.
An internal node is a node which carries at least one child or in other words, an internal node is not a leaf node.
<em>using System;
<em>public class Program
<em> public static void Main()
<em> {
<em> String input ;
<em> while(true)
<em> {
<em> input = Console.ReadLine();
<em> if(input.Equals(""quit""))
<em> break;
<em> Reverse_String(input);
<em> }
<em> return;
<em> }
<em>static void Reverse_String(string input_text)
<em> char[] text = input_text.ToCharArray();
<em> Array.Reverse(text);
<em> Console.WriteLine(text);
<em>In the above program a separate function is written to reverse the string.</em>
This method takes the string as an argument and place it in a array and then use the built-in function reverse and print the reversed string in the console.
<em>In the main(), the input is obtained from the console and it is passed to the reversestring().