71% of the earth forms water
About 71% of the earth is covered with water out of which approximately 97% is ocean and the remaining includes rivers, lakes and streams. Glaciers made up to 2% and a tiny fraction is in the form of vapors. Water covers vast majority of the earth planet. The other 29% of earth consists of islands and continents.
When as young as 18 weeks old, Dr. Patricia Kuhl found that babies can listen to “ah” and “ee” vowel sounds and gaze at the correct, corresponding lip shape on a video monitor.
Around age 2-3 months, infants start coping and making soft vowel sounds. They are able to do this because their larynxes and other parts of their throats change to allow these sounds.
By age 3-4 months, babies begin to make consonant sounds of b, k, m, g, and p.
By 4-5 months, the vowels and consonants are put together to form nonsense words.
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Listen to a mental health professional who can guide him through his troubles.
Taking medication without a doctors prescription isn’t really a healthy action
The atomic number is defined by the number of protons in an element. An element is defined by the number of protons the nucleus contains and doesn't have anything to do with how many isotopes the element has. Carbon always has an atomic number of 6 and uranium always has an atomic number of 92. I GOTCHU BROOOO GET THATS A BUDDY
D. vacuole
A vacuole holds water, food, waste, nutrients, proteins, and carbohydrates. It also removes harmful things that can damage cells.