The House of Representatives
Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers." The Speaker is elected by roll call vote when each new House first convenes.
The second one, women never had the right to vote until the late 1900s.
It sent their economies into further decline--European countries had invested in our stock market and they relied on our financial assistance following the war.
Germany was relying on circular loans from the US which provided funds to help them pay for reparations. After the stock market crash, we were no longer able to aid which stopped money from flowing into Europe. This caused further decline in Europe preventing them from investing in their own countries let along buy goods from the US.
Federalism is mainly understood to be an organizational principle in which the individual members (member states) have a limited independence and statehood, but are united to a sovereign overarching federal state.
A federal state consists of sub-states that exercise certain (limited) competences under constitutional law that are not derived from the federal government as a whole. In addition to the state as a whole, the member states of a federal state therefore have their own, original autonomy over the population in their territory in terms of constitutional law.