The Missouri Compromise, "The Compromise of 1850", and "The Kansas-Nebraska Act" 1854
The Missouri Compromise was for maintaining a balance between "Free states and slave states" in the Union.Accordingly, Missouri was acknowledged as a "slave state", Maine was acknowledged as a free state, and slavery was not allowed in Louisiana Territory territory North of 36°30' but within the borders of the Missouristate.
The Compromise of 1850 was essential to ascertain if slavery would be permitted in states formed from the territory got from Mexico during the "Mexican-American War". California was acknowledged as a free state, while the "Territory of New Mexico" permitted slavery. The Compromise also comprised a measure forbidding the slave trade (however not slavery as such) within the Columbia District and a new and more powerful Fugitive Slave Law
The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 created the "territories of Nebraska and Kansas" and stipulated that people of these territories would elect to as certain if the 2 territories would permit slavery. This led to violence between "anti-slavery and" pro-slavery proponents who moved to these territories.
This valley is part of the Fertile Crescent.
Original--President by electoral college, Senators by state legislators, and House of Representatives by direct vote. Direct vote is by land-owning, white, males who were 21 or older.
President has remained the same.
Senators--changed to direct vote with the 17th Amendment in 1912
House of Representatives has remained the same.
Those who can vote has changed through time. In the 1820s and 1830s states removed the landowner condition for voting. In 1870, black men were given the right to vote under the 15th Amendment. In 1920, women were granted the right to vote under the 19th Amendment. Lastly, the age was moved from 21 to 18 in 1971 with the 26th Amendment.
Answer: America had placed an embargo on Japan due to their over achieving power and took over most of the South Pacific islands. Japan was wanting to upward/increase its oil for its war effort and saw the Pacific Fleet of the United States as its biggest threat.