I believe it is A, B, and E. Hope this helps! :)
This is known as biodiversity. Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the diversity of all living organisms in a biome or an ecosystem. It increases over time as new species are differentiated all the time and at a faster pace than other organisms become extinct. The longer the time the more the organisms will be created due to genetic differentiation.
Derivative classifiers are required to have training every two years
Who needs derivative classification training?
All DoD personnel, including contractors, who access classified systems and networks or perform derivative classification functions are required to complete derivative classification training annually.
How many categories are there in derivative classification?
the information must concern at least one of the eight categories specified in section 1.4 of Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information.
What best describes derivative classification?
The process of paraphrasing, restating, or generating in new form information that is already classified, and marking the newly developed material consistent with the classification markings that apply to the source information.
Learn more about derivative classification:
We can take for example Josip Broz Tito, a former president of Yugoslavia.
During his time the country went to the period of renewal. People, especially women gained more rights, new laws were introduced. The rate of literacy increased as never before. Reforms were introduced, country prospered. I believe that we can compare him with Charlemagne as although as him he wasn't very educated he realized the need for education, literacy and improvement of life condition as well.
Anoche bebí una cerveza artesanal, hecha por un amigo (1 D.) que produce su cerveza con maltas provenientes de Querétaro (3 I.D.).
Desayuné pan, comprado en una tienda que no lo produce (1 D, 2 I.D), con mermelada de zarzamoras, hecha por un amigo (1 D.) que compró larga cantidad de zarzamoras - es temporada de zarzamoras.
Luego bebí un café, con café orgánico de Chiapas que una asociación de comercio justo me provee (5 D, 3 I.D).
La comida eran nopales (1 D, 3 I.D) con queso oaxaca. Los nopales (familia de cactus) crecen por doquier en nuestro estado. El queso oaxaca (1 D. 4 I.D.) compramos en una tienda colectiva y no está hecho en Oaxaca sino aquí.
La cena consistió de unos tamales oaxaqueños (2 D, 5 I.D) con hojas de plátano,masa de maíz, mole y pollo. sólo el último ingrediente tiene dudosa procedencia.
Ah! Compré una botella de limoncello (licor italiano de limon) que un amigo (1 D) francés hace con su propia cosecha de limones.
D = Directo
I.D. = Indirecto