The Brobdingnagians govern themselves with a somewhat socialist system under which, for example, everyone brings what they grow to town and takes home only what they need
The correct answer is answer choice C, "I am Odysseus, son of Laertes, known to the world for every kind of craft - my fame has reached the skies". A hyperbole is, simply put, an exaggeration. Odysseus' fame has not literally reached the skies; he is simply exaggerating his fame to get his point across. For instance, when someone wants to go somewhere, and wants to convince a friend to come with them, they might say 'everyone's going', or something along those lines. However, everyone in the world is not literally going; that someone is simply exaggerating to make a point.
C champion of victims who are unjustly judged by society
The feelings of the crew vary depending on how they view the albatross.
When they view the albatross as a sign of good fortune, they are angry with the Mariner for shooting it. When they view the albatross as the one who brought the bad weather, they are glad the Mariner shot it. After the weather turns on them again, they again blame the Mariner for shooting the albatross, believing they are being punished for its death.
When they view the albatross as good, they are angry with the Mariner for killing it. When they view the albatross as evil, they are happy he killed it. Ultimately, they come to believe they are being punished for its death and are unhappy and angry with the Mariner.
Buck is willing to compromise morality for survival