Multiple inheritance causes Diamond problem which happens when:
Class A is parent of class B and C
Now when class D will be inherited from both Class B and C it will have all the members of class A and B which if same will confuse the compiler to import which one?
C++ solves it by using virtual keyword with them and thus telling the compiler which one to inherit.
Java has introduced the interface concept rather then allowing multiple inheritance.
Neural Networks
Neural networks are networks that mimic the behaviour of the human brain in which they tend to perform a task without been programmed with the task rule, although the neural network are artificial in nature and they often recognize patterns.
Neutral network have cell that enable them to carry out task together in order to produce a desired result and the cell can only solve a little part of tasks.
One example of syntax in Logo is “[”. Two examples of Java are “;” and “{“or “}”. If you don’t use these parts of syntax then you could get a Syntax error, this will make you have to stop the code and debug.