Tricky question. Andrew Lang wrote Aribian nights in 1855, however the story originated from aribic in 1706... And the merchant and the genie was a story about Abou Hassan, first written in English by, John Payne.
The first words a character says, which has a special meaning- it is like a dominant or unique idea of the story.
Shakespeare's plays were so popular because they contained comedy and drama. The comedies were the things people enjoyed at the time, while the dramas were just dramas. The comedies were like modern movies, while the tragedies were more like dramas. Shakespeare always knew how to blend the serious play with the funny play. Without comedy, drama stays, without comedy-drama also remains. Shakespeare was also prolific in producing many plays and also wrote many famous sonnets.
Shakespeare never wrote for a specific society, as other playwrights did. Compared to other playwrights, Shakespeare had flaws.
The effectiveness as a playwright, as in why his plays were so popular, is because his plays contained a lot of messages in every play. The most famous, of course, was the message of being 'taught one's mind, speech and heart' (Othello Act IV, scene V, lines 57-57). Everybody has learned their lesson of why people are taught the mind, trust, and faith, speech and heart.
Shakespeare did not write for the time he lived in.
You would call it a pork chop!
One change that is being implemented is that "school lunches are required to provide a specific variety of produce each week" (Rita 4).
Children who bought school lunches are "30 percent more likely to be obese" than students who brought their lunches from home every day (Newman 24).
Research has found that only 6 percent of all school lunches are considered nutritious (Gardiner and Mabel 401).
A quotation occurs when the author of a text wishes to use the words of another author, who are in another literary work. So that this practice does not turn into a case of plagiarism it is important that the author who will make a quote provides information that allows the reader to realize that a quote is being made, in addition to being able to know the name of the author and where to find the original text.
In this case, the MLA format states that for a quote to be made, it is necessary, first, that quote be placed in quotation marks. Then, it is necessary that, in parentheses, the surname of the author and the page number where the quote can be found are presented.