is a clause in which the subject is omitted
After being caught in Japanese waters, and taken prisoners, Louie and Phil were treated nicely and with respect while on the ship, good food and treats, medical care and so on; they even were untied from time to time. But while off the ship on Execution Island they were brutally handled and physically abused, they were put in small cells, no medical care and with meager food, no dignity neither humanity.
"Café Olympia serves coffee from all over the world" (B) states a fact rather than an opinion.
When writing essays for school, or researching information to support your writing, it is important to be able to stay factual and avoid stating opinions (unless you are specifically asked to do it, or unless you explicitly mention that you are quoting a biased work).
These characteristics should help you identify an <u>opinion</u>:
- appreciation verbs like <em>enjoy</em>, <em>hate</em>, <em>wish</em>, <em>believe, </em>etc.
- adjectives expressing value judgement like <em>best</em>, <em>good</em>, <em>bad</em>, <em>favorite</em>, <em>disappointing</em>, <em>fascinating</em>, <em>boring</em>, etc.
- clear involvement of the narrator, for example when the subject is <em>I</em> or <em>we</em>.
Conversely, a <u>factual</u> statement usually has:
- a distanced narrator, who does not get involved
- information which can be checked, like in answer B: "coffee from all over the world."