Consuls could veto each other’s decisions.
In the history of Rome, during the period of Republic consuls had the highest rank in the country, which enabled them to led the army, administrate the political affairs. But, still as the Romans were afraid that the consul could take too much power for himself, they have decided to introduce two consuls, and through that to prevent this type of things from happening. One of days for doing that is the possibility that one consul could veto the decision of the other one.
Answer: Individualism, Equality, Informality, The Future, Change, Progress, Achievement, Action, Work, and Materialism, Directness, Assertiveness, and Time. It was easy to live together. The Indians helped the settlers by teaching them how to plant crops and survive on the land. But the Indians did not understand that the settlers were going to keep the land. This idea was foreign to the Indians.Their settlements and social groups were impermanent, and communal leadership (what little there was) was informal. After European contact, some Great Basin groups got horses and formed equestrian hunting and raiding bands that were similar to the ones we associate with the Great Plains natives.
You can write about the war that was going on in Iraq or around there and then you can search up story's about people there and yep
This took me a while...
A) Adrian is relatively taller than the
boys of his age; he is also a
member of the school basketball
B) Jessica is very good at debates
and aspires to study law.
C) Kate is unable to hold on to
one job for a long time.
D) Cynthia saves from her pocket
money and spends judiciously.
Biological/Genetic Factors A)
Environnental and Cultural Factors A), B), C), D)