Plant cells have cell walls, constructed outside the cell membrane and composed of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectin, a cell membrane similar to that of the animal cell, a large central vacuole, a water-filled volume enclosed by a membrane known as the tonoplast, they contain plastids, the most notable being chloroplasts, which contain the green-colored pigment chlorophyll that converts the energy of sunlight into chemical energy, and then all the other organelles of the animal cell (mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus and nucleolus, golgi apparatus, etc.)
c lunar and solar eclipse
Sertoli cells
The Sertoli cells nourish and protect the developing sperm cells, and spermatogenesis—the developmental pathway from germ cell to mature sperm—occurs in the recesses of the Sertoli cells (Figure 19.17)
a. predicting weather patterns</span>. Scientific models are used in making predictions. One way to do this is by analyzing big chunks of data from the past, and see if it can predict the present with accuracy. Computers are often used to create this models because of the huge amount of data that need to be manipulated.
Explanation a chemical define media is a media that do not contain any animal derived source as a component. It is a media whose chemical component are known. It is said to be the purest form of media for culture.
Complex Chemical media is a media whose component are not known. It includes both animals,yeast, plant source whose component are not known this Mixture makes it complex.
Example of complex media is Human Endothelial-SFM (Life Technologies), Endothelial Basal Media, EndoGRO-LS Complete
Example of chemically defined media enhancing or inhibitory effects of GSLs and sphingolipids on tyrosine kinases associated with growth factor receptors.