If you write one sentence describing the original paragraph's hook, and then a second sentence describing any supporting evidence in the paragraph, and then a third sentence describing the topic sentence, you will have written your critique.
Her and me is wrong it could be replaced with we us etc.
because you enjoy their time and company so much that when theyre not around its like youre missing a part of yourself
Well, you're going to talk about the conflicts in The Lottery and The Lady or the Tiger... So... in The Lottery, the main conflict was that the lady (whatever her name was) was chosen to be stoned in the lottery. It wasn't really resolved in anyway, except that she got.. stoned. I haven't read The Lady or the Tiger, but you would do the same thing for that. Then you would state the theme, or moral, or main point, of each story. And then you would compare how the resolutions for both conflicts demonstrate the stories' themes.. Does it make a bit more sense?
In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. "Here's a direct quote" (Smith 8). If the author's name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the Works Cited list, such as quotation marks.