You did not include the choices however one of them was to demonstrate the power of the atomic bomb to the Japanese by dropping it on an unpopulated area and I would have done that.
Choice: Demonstrate power of bomb by dropping it on Unpopulated Area
Positive : Over a 100,000 Japanese civilians would have been spared death and property would not have been destroyed on a massive scale. Also the area would not be radioactive leading to adverse effects on generations of people born near the drop zone.
Negative: The Japanese were very defiant and stubborn in their fighting and so might have ignored the demonstration which would have meant that we wasted 50% of our nuclear bombs as the United States because only 2 existed in the world at the time and the U.S. had both.
Answer: Introduction. Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions between individuals or groups in societies or cultures.
Dimensions of Social Class. Class can be manifested through many aspects of one’s self, one’s family, and one’s lineage. ...
International Social Class Models. This graphic shows a definition of social class proposed by the New York Times, using quintiles as measurement for class.
Academic Theories of Class. Schools of sociology differ in how they conceptualize class.
there's different types but this should help :)
didnt have to pay people to make profits on land using cash crops A Sharecropper is a farmer who doesn't own the land he farms. The landlord that owns the land gives the farmer a place to live, buys the seed for the farmer to plant. The farmer gets a share of the profits for his labor. It was not usually much, but his family had a place to live and food on the table.
They are expanding there knowledge and gaining power by doing that.
Social contract
social class definition: his book the social contract written in 1762 Rousseau and talks about what makes an effective Government in order to have real authority government must be based on an agreement or contract people make with Society people agree to give up some Natural Freedom in exchange for protection.