First off you should take them to the nearest hospital. If they are still talking and breathing well this means that the food or whatever is lodged in their esophagus. From what I've learned do not do the hiemlich maneuver because that can make it worse. This actually happened to my brother last week and he is now fine. I hope this helped you!
U would get skinny and things will go really bad trust me
At least 24 hours, unless you wanna rip something
2. "Close monitoring of your oxygen saturation will detect hypoxemia."
</em><em>There are the different reasons for low oxygen in the blood so the nurse is teaching a client about coughing and deep-breathing techniques to prevent postoperative complications. The amount of oxygen in your blood will actually help your healing and recovery post-op by systematically taking deep breaths you can prevent post-operative complications. Hypoxemia is low oxygen concentration in someone’s blood. The nurse is teaching the client about coughing and deep-breathing techniques to prevent postoperative complications. </em>