It can be written as 825/1000. You can simplify this to get the simplest form which would be 33/40. All decimals are out of one, they are a part. When you first get a decimal, put the numbers such as 825 on top. The last number is in the thousandths place, so it is out of 1000. 1000 is your denominator. Your fraction is then 825/1000. From here you can simplify if possible.
Hope this helps ^-^
Formula- A = π r²
a= area
r= radius
diameter of the circle- 3.75 x 2 = 7.5
hope this helps :)
to find range of interquartile sets of data
you see 5 vertical lines 1 is start point 2 is start of 2nd quartile 3 is start of 3rd quartile and also represents the median. the 4th start of 4th quartile and 5th is very end point.
Therefore the interquartile is from start line 2 to start line 4
apply to each by if it says 10 and 34 then we show workjings 34-10 = 24 and that is the range once we deduct data from each other.
Therefore full range is start line 1 to end line 5
if this says 2 to 45 then full range is 45-2 = 43 and apply to each boxplot.
Step-by-step explanation:
= 2025
When you are told to find the smallest length possible, you perform L.C.M(Least common multiples)
For this, you divide the given lengths using the numbers that divides all through.
I have added an image to this answer. Go through it for more explanation
Dear, there is no solution to this equation