Step-by-step explanation:
"Percent" means "per 100" or "over 100". So, to convert 727731000 to percent we rewrite 727731000 in terms of "per 100" or over 100.
Multiply 727731000 by 100/100. Since 100/100 = 1, we are only multiplying by 1 and not changing the value of our number.
72773100000/100 is 72773100000 over 100 and means 72773100000 per 100. 72773100000 "per 100" means 72773100000 "percent" or 72773100000%
Therefore, we have shown that
727731000 = 72773100000%
Simplified Conversion:
Multiply by 100 and add the percent sign %
727731000 × 100 becomes 72773100000%
Shortcut Conversion:
Move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add the percent sign %
727731000 becomes 72773100000%
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
You can do long division, which is very very hard to show with typing on a keyboard. You essentially want to divide the leading coefficient for each term. Ill try my best to explain it.
. Write 2x^2 down. Now multiply (x - 3) by it. Then subtract it from the trinomial.

Now do
. Write that down next to your 2x^2. Multiply 3x by (x - 3) to get:

Your final step is to do
. Write this -2 next to your other two parts
Multiply -2 by (x - 3) to get:

Our remainder is 0 so that means (x - 3) goes into that trinomial exactly:
4x - 24
Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 3. 20/2=10 10-7=3