i think the answer is medication
A) Take whatever action was necessary to combat the danger.
This response would be more likely in the case of an Orwellian culture, which the author states is like "a prison" and "much easier to recognize, and oppose than a Huxleyan [world]."
B) Listen carefully to the commentator and then explain the ideas to others.
The passage suggests the opposite response: "Huxley believed that we are in a race between education and disaster, and he wrote continuously about the necessity of our understanding the politics and epistemology of media, he was trying to tell us that what afflicted people in <em>Brave New World</em> was not that they were laughing instead of thinking."
C) charge that the commentator was irrational or needlessly alarming viewers.
The passage suggests that the commentator would invite this charge: "Those who speak about this matter must often raise their voices to a near hysterical pitch, inviting the charge that they are everything from wimps to public nuisances to Jeremiahs."
D) Be receptive to learning more about the danger.
The viewers would be unreceptive to learning about the danger, because, according to the author, this world would appear benign.
20 mEq/L Potassium Chloride in 0.45% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP 1000 5.5 (3.5 to 6.5)
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 was a bill enacted by the 104th U.S Congress and was signed in 1996 by President Bill Clinton. It is a federal law that protects sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without their knowledge, approval or consent and payment of health care insurance for employees.
e-PHI is an abbreviation for electronic protected health information and it can be defined as the health information of a patient which must be generated, stored, transfered or received only in a digital (electronic) format.
In the United States of America, the management of e-PHI is governed by HIPAA Security Rule. Thus, electronic protected health information guarantees confidentiality and the integrity of a health facility and its staffs with respect to a patient.
Encryption is a form of cryptography and typically involves the process of converting or encoding informations in plaintext into a code, known as a ciphertext. Once, an information or data has been encrypted it can only be accessed and deciphered by an authorized user.
Hence, using secured and encrypted laptops is one way to deter an impermissible use or disclosure that could result in a breach, as it requires verifying the identity of an individual or electronic device through authentication.
Because a pregnant woman is considered a high-risk when it comes to any sort of sickness she should immediately consult her doctor and be tested so that she can receive treatment ASAP. Any sort of sickness, such as the flu, should be a pregnant woman’s main priority to avoid because contracting any sort of sickness can and most likely will put the fetus in distress.