Punishment is a way of decreasing undesirable behavior by adding or removing a pleasant stimulus.
Punishment can either be positive or Negative, it is positive when a pleasant stimulus is added to decrease undesirable behavior while it is negative when a pleasant stimulus is removed to decrease undesirable behavior.
Raising the insurance rate for the girl for the girl till she is 25 is a kind of positive punishment which helped to reduce her speed.
Children of
employed women"</span> have less stereotyped views of men and women.
In social psychology,
a stereotype is any idea which is often accepted as true about a whole
gathering of those people or practices. These concepts or convictions could
possibly reflect reality or not. Those children who have their mother employed
see in their daily lives the interaction between men and women and are more
likely to come closer to reality instead of stereotyping.
Tornado Alley is a nickname given to an area in the southern plains of the central United States that consistently experiences a high frequency of tornadoes each year.