<em>adjective: intermediate
<em>coming between two things in time, place, order, character, etc."</em>
Pictures correlating to the crime scene are like puzzles to find out the other meanings or cause of another picture.
For example:
A opened jug of milk sits on a table.
There's a blurred figure of a hand hitting the jug.
The jug is now laying on the table, dripping everywhere.
If we take out the middle picture "There's a blurred figure of a hand hitting the jug.", then we would not know what hit it over. Did someone bump into the table? Did a cat climb onto the table and release its almighty strength onto it? All we would know that it was once standing upright.
TLDR; Without intermediate pictures, it would be hard to grasp what happened on the scene. Intermediate pictures all have something in common with each other to help interpret what occurred to the viewer.
The periodic table can tell you. Hope this helps!
Antibiotics are strong medicines that treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics won't treat viral infections because they can't kill viruses.
You'll get better when the viral infection has run its course. Common illnesses caused by bacteria are urinary tract infections, strep throat, and some pneumonia.
Because the dark box is blending in with the shadows, however the white box is bright and easier to see
Answer: pistil, stamen, sepal, petal
A flower consists of four main parts named pistil, stamen, sepal, petal.
- stamen produces pollen grains
- pistil receives the pollen
- petal & sepal are components of the flower