they lacked needed natural resources such as stone, wood, metal
The separation of powers is important because it provides a vital system of ‘checks and balances’: Firstly, it ensures that the different branches control each other. This is intended to make them accountable to each other – these are the ‘checks’. Secondly, it divides power between the different branches of government. This balance aims to ensure that no individual or group of people in government is ‘all powerful’.
When Africans were brought to America to be sold as slaves, they brought food from their home continent with them. These foods became incorporated in what would become known as Southern food.
American culture is about independence. While with other cultures lIke Chinese culture, they strive to work together to be the best. Privacy, and equality is also very important to most Americans. We strive to achieve our goals and are future oriented, always worrying about the future.
The British turned to their allies, French, Belgians, Polish, Americans, for more troops to fight on the may battle fields in which the war was fought.