They rejected it because they did not want the United States to get involved in foreign wars.
<h2>North</h2><h3> Strength </h3>
- The North had an enormous industrial advantage
- the North manufactured 97 percent of the country's firearms
- . They did not know the land the other side were fighting on the defensive in its own territory and were familiar with the landscape
- At the beginning of the war, the Confederacy had only one-ninth the industrial capacity of the Union.
- There was not even one rifle works in the entire South
<h3> Strength</h3>
- The South could produce all the food it needed
- The South also had a great nucleus of TRAINED OFFICERS. Seven of the eight military colleges in the country were in the South.
A) Daley was not a candidate for president
Hitler tried to invade Russian and great Britain but after invading Poland world war 2 started
lol i love pizza okay bet i will drop by my house
me to man wanna go get some after school