La fecha de inicio del otoño varía según el clima, la tradición y la cultura, pero cuando es otoño en el hemisferio norte, es primavera en el hemisferio sur, y viceversa.
Fly eyes and mouse eyes look very different and have different structures. However, both types of eyes have the same function. They sense light and make vision possible. ... If the Pax6 gene coded for parts of the actual eye, then the fly would develop mouse eyes in addition to normal fly eyes when the gene was inserted.
primary succession takes longer
Primary succession is built from the ground up, whereas secondary succession is built from an already existing civilization.
Rabbit ear size tends to decrease as latitude increases. this is an example of a cline
A cline can be described as a change of the biological trait of a species across its geographical range. A cline can be genetic for example, change in the allele frequency, or phenotypic (change in body size). The change can be shown as continuous gradation, or it can be more abrupt from one geographic region to the next.